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Domain names

A domain name is a symbolical (alphanumerical) designation formed in accordance with the international rules of the Internet network addressing, intended for the named reference to the information resource of the Internet network and corresponding to a certain network address.


A domain name can be registered in the name of physical persons and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, residents and not residents of the Republic of Belarus.


The domain name should contain at least two and at most sixty three letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, symbols "hyphen" ("-"), it should neither begin, end with a symbol "hyphen" ("-"), nor contain a symbol "hyphen" ("-") in the 3rd and the 4th positions simultaneously.

The following domain names are not subject to the registration: containing words or phrases not corresponding to the common moral and ethic standards, stirring up the international hatred, propagandizing violence, cruelty and other acts prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

While choosing a domain name an applicant should avoid names coinciding with the names of famous trademarks, service marks and organizations.

In case an applicant is a legal entity, while choosing a domain name it is recommended to use the name of the organization or group of the organizations in the name of which an agreement on the domain name registration is concluded.

                                                                 REGISTRATION PROCEDURE

The registration of the domain names in the national segment of the Internet network is carried out by the registrars on the basis of the standard agreement concluded with an applicant.

A domain name is introduced into the register in the name of the applicant whose agreement was first to come into force, and this applicant shall possess the rights for the domain administration.

Prior to the registration of a domain name we recommend you to conduct the domain name search in the open base of the domains names registered in BY zone as well as in the base of the registered company names and trademarks. The execution of the mentioned actions will be a guaranty of reliability and safety of use of your domain name in business!

Moreover, we recommend you to register a distinctive part of the domain name as a trademark.

                                                                      REGISTRATION TERM

The domain name can be registered for two-year term with its further renewal for unlimited number of times.


If you have any questions with regard to registration/ transfer of rights to Dоmain Names, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Koubriakov, Tseliatsitskaya & Partners, Ltd.   220004 Minsk , avenue Pobediteley, 17, of. 1015, Republic of Belarus.    Tel/Fax: (017) 226 99 34.

